CYBO 2025 – Posters Author Title Session Valeria Fochi Phylogeny and dating of divergences in N. pseudonarcissus L. using plastome sequences 1. Systematics, phylogenetics, biogeography and evolution Laura Fischer Unraveling the Rarity and Evolution of Blue Flower Colouration through Phylogenetics 1. Systematics, phylogenetics, biogeography and evolution Marjol Meço Euphrasia picta Wimm., new species to the flora of Albania 1. Systematics, phylogenetics, biogeography and evolution Marwen Amari Population Genomics Analysis of Endangered and endemic Plant Species: A Tool for Conservation and Evolutionary Insights. 1. Systematics, phylogenetics, biogeography and evolution Ilaria Mezza A population genetics study of dwarf-shrub communities with circumboreal and Arctic-Alpine distribution, focusing on Apennine relict sites 1. Systematics, phylogenetics, biogeography and evolution Najnin Khatun Uncovering the evolution of anthocyanin-related glutathione S-transferase (arGSTs) across plant lineages 1. Systematics, phylogenetics, biogeography and evolution Karl Duffy Widespread pollen limitation and the influence of geographical gradients on flowering population size and fecundity in orchids 1. Systematics, phylogenetics, biogeography and evolution Adam Kantor On the way to elucidating the complex evolutionary history and cryptic diversity of the Balkan-Anatolian Cardamine (Brassicaceae) species complex 1. Systematics, phylogenetics, biogeography and evolution Szabolcs Kis The role of roadside and concrete surfaces in facilitating the spread of Sedum caespitosum (Cav.) DC. in the Pannonian Ecoregion 1. Systematics, phylogenetics, biogeography and evolution Claudia Colombo Morphological and ecological analysis of Rumex scutatus subsp. aetnensis (Polygonaceae) 1. Systematics, phylogenetics, biogeography and evolution Simone Balestra The impact of monoculture tree plantations on biodiversity in the Italian Prealps 2. Ecology Emilia Pafumi Monitoring riparian vegetation from space: developing a cloud-based application in Google Earth Engine 2. Ecology Giovanni Spinelli Exploring Morphological Structure and VOC Emissions in Olive Fruits: Potential Interactions with Bactrocera oleae Infestation 2. Ecology Waad Bousselmi Combined effect of Hedysarum coronarium- Medicago sativa intercropping on the agronomic parameters of Brassica napus, biodiversity and health soil under water stress 2. Ecology Nicoa Postiglione EXPLORING PATTERNS OF INTRASPECIFIC TRAIT VARIABILITY IN ENDEMIC AND NON-ENDEMIC SPECIES: INSIGHTS FOR CONSERVATION STRATEGIES 2. Ecology Ian Briozzo Differentiation of ecological niches of Campanula sect. Heterophylla in the Southwestern Alps 2. Ecology Nubia Guzmán Understanding the role of bacterial communities associated with the roots of Alnus acuminata: a pathway to improve restoration strategies of degraded lands in Ecuador 2. Ecology Alfredo Maccioni Influence of aromatic dwarf-shrub canopies on plant community diversity and composition in Sardinian coastal harsh habitats 2. Ecology Alessandra Renella In-depth chracterization of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) landraces from Appenine Italian regions 3. Biodiversity and global change Virginia Amanda Volanti CAROLINA PROJECT: PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF TAXONOMIC AND FUNCTIONAL PLANT DIVERSITY 3. Biodiversity and global change Vanessa Manuzi Tree Monoculture Plantations Decrease Plant Diversity in the Italian Prealps 3. Biodiversity and global change Vivien Lábadi Marsh gladiolus flowers prefer to bloom in forests rather than in meadows – Reproductive characteristics of forest and meadow populations in Hungary 3. Biodiversity and global change Daan Curwiel The Living Archive: Building a National Seedbank for (threatened) wild plants in the Netherlands based upon scientific principles. 3. Biodiversity and global change Francesco Ponticelli REVISITING ELBA ISLAND (ITALY): TAXONOMIC AND FUNCTIONAL VARIATIONS IN THE LAST 20 YEARS 3. Biodiversity and global change Claudia Zitarelli Resurveying alpine grasslands in central and southern Apennines 3. Biodiversity and global change Cristina Gasperini Leaf trait variability in Mediterranean forest endemics and their divergence from widespread species: a study of 45 taxa and 26 congeneric pairs 3. Biodiversity and global change Leonardo Salvatori MULTI-TAXON MONITORING IN THE STRICT NATURE RESERVE “MONTAGNA DI TORRICCHIO” (ITALY) 3. Biodiversity and global change Silvia Macis The Impacts of Climate Change on Coastal Wetlands in Mediterranean Regions 3. Biodiversity and global change Federica Betuzzi Microscopy coupled with DNA barcoding-based analysis as diagnostic tools to identify toxic plants 4. Structure, physiology, and development Giorgia Tonielli MicroRNA-induced regulation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) root architecture and function 4. Structure, physiology, and development Chiara Pezzuto Analysis of vascular cambium response to drought and heat stress through integrated omics approaches to identify tolerance mechanisms and key factors in forest resilience strategies 4. Structure, physiology, and development Giorgia Del Cioppo Towards non-destructive monitoring of plant salinity stress: an integrated approach combining image analysis and machine learning 4. Structure, physiology, and development Nayara Machado Evolution of fleshy fruits in Myrtaceae: initial impressions in the subgenera of Syzygium 4. Structure, physiology, and development Charline Gennat Challenged (by) parasites: Acclimation kinetics of a plant-plant-pathosystem 4. Structure, physiology, and development Angela Martina PHOTOSYNTHETIC PHENOTYPE OF TWO CICHORIUM INTYBUS L. CULTIVARS: THYLAKOID ULTRASTRUCTURE, PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND CARBON ISOTOPIC ANALYSIS 4. Structure, physiology, and development Giorgia Benati Optimization of enzymatic digestions on tomato seeds to recover proteins and peptides 4. Structure, physiology, and development Marcello Bigoni Asparagus officinalis L.: a food plant model for monitoring heavy metal contamination in fields bordering roadways in the Ferrara province (Italy)? 4. Structure, physiology, and development Marta Beccaluva Urban stress and plant adaptation: exploring the morphological, genetic and physiological changes in Populus alba” 4. Structure, physiology, and development Giulia Mozzo Impact of Acoustic Vibration on Rhizobium-Legume Symbiosis 4. Structure, physiology, and development Christopher Großmann Regulation of the Golden2-like 1 (GLK1) transcription factor 4. Structure, physiology, and development Chiara Dassow The Mystery of Blue Flowers: Sequencing and Analysis of the Cornflower Genome 5. Genetics, genomics, and bioinformatics Paloma Perez-Bello Gil The LIFE Seedforce project: a comprehensive genotyping initiative to assist the conservation of endangered Habitat Directive plant species 5. Genetics, genomics, and bioinformatics Denise De Franco Aerobiological monitoring and Aurelian Walls: between pollen and history 6. Plants, Fungi and Society Valentina Boscariol Unlocking the potential of herbarium collections: a case study from the digitization of Silvia Zenari’s specimens 6. Plants, Fungi and Society Francesca Emili Fungal Bioresources for Mycoremediation of Glyphosate- and AMPA-Contaminated Agricultural Soils 6. Plants, Fungi and Society Guido Silvano Mycosium: sporulating knowledge. Why fungi? 6. Plants, Fungi and Society CYBO 2025 programme