Morphological and ecological analysis of Rumex scutatus subsp. aetnensis (Polygonaceae)
Claudia Colombo 1, S. Brullo 1, S. Cambria 1, S. Sciandrello 1, G. P. Giusso del Galdo 1
Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences University of Catania Via A. Longo, 19, I – 95125 Catania 1
Rumex scutatus subsp. aetnensis C. Presl (Polygonaceae) is an endemic plant of Sicily, circumscribed to the basaltic substrates on Mt. Etna (NE Sicily). This taxon belongs to the very variable group of Rumex scutatus L., which is widely distributed across the temperate areas of Europe and Asia. It includes several infraspecific taxa chiefly linked to rocky and glareicolous habitats with gravelly or rocky soils. According to Pignatti (2017), three subspecies are currently recognized in Italy: R. scutatus subsp. scutatus, R. scutatus subsp. aetnensis C. Presl and R. scutatus subsp. glaucescens Guss. Main aim of our study is to investigate the taxonomic position of R. scutatus subsp. aetnensis and in its relationships with subsp. scutatus. The analyses is based on data derived from literature as concerns the subsp. scutatus, while the subsp. aetnensis was sampled in several stands of Mt. Etna ranging from 1.800 and 2.900 m a.s.l. during the period May–July and October 2024. The morphological analysis was performed both on living plants and dried specimens. Also, the pollen micro-morphology was studied on fresh material and examined by using a scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Our investigation reveals many relevant morphological differences for some characters, such as leaf blade size, floral structures, fruits and pollen. The first results confirm the taxonomical importance of these traits and support the recognition of subsp. aetnensis as a well distinct taxa from the typical one. Further studies, including molecular and biochemical investigations, will shed light into the phylogenetic relationships and adaptive strategies of this narrow endemic taxa.
Main author career stage: Master student
Contribution type: Poster
First choice session: 1. Systematics, phylogenetics, biogeography and evolution
Second choice session: 2. Ecology