CYBO is an international conference, and therefore the official language of the conference is English, and all contributions (talk slides, oral presentations and posters) must be in English as well.
The assigned time slot is 12 minutes maximum, followed by 3 minutes for questions. All participants are required to strictly adhere to the talk duration; one of the organisers will notify the participants during the talk when there are 3 and 1 minutes remaining, and participants will be cut off when time runs out.
Talk slides must be prepared as single Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt or .pptx) or PDF (.pdf) file, maximum 100 MB in size.
Files must uploaded with the form below by February 4th, 15:00 at the latest, using the form below.
At the conference registration, on the first day of the conference, participants will be asked to briefly review the file to make sure it displays correctly, and make small adjustments if required; there will be no possibility to modify the file after then.
For posters, the format must be A0 (A-zero) portrait only (i.e. vertical): 841 mm wide × 1189 mm high; or A1 (A-one) portrait only (i.e. vertical): 841 x 594 mm ; it is not possible to accommodate horizontal posters. Participants with a poster contribution must bring their posters already printed to the conference; a numbered slot and material to attach the poster to the boards will be provided at the conference registration.
All posters for all the sessions will be in the same location, that will be indicated during registration.
Participants are warmly invited to stand next to their poster during coffee breaks / poster sessions and engage with the audience.