Below you can register for CYBO 2025.
If you want to register with a talk or abstract, use the “with contribution” form. If you want to register without a contribution (poster or talk), select the “attendance only” form.
In both forms, you will be asked email and password: these can be the same as the ones used to register for webinars.
Abstract submission
Abstract submission is now closed. You can still register for attendance only.
For both talks and posters, there is a 150 character limit (including spaces) for the title, and a 500 words limit for the abstract.
The abstracts will be evaluated by the scientific committee, whom will decide if it is accepted or not. Every effort will be made to assign contributions to the preferred thematic session, however the committee may decide to move any contribution to other, thematically related sessions to keep numbers of contributions similar between them.
There will be no feedback or suggested corrections for the abstracts after submission, only a confirmation of acceptance or not and session assignment. The scientific committee decisions cannot be appealed and are final.
Fee payment
The fee is 30 € for Bachelor and Master students, and 60 € for everyone else.
Payment is by bank transfer only (no credit cards, no debit cards). It will not be possible to pay in person at the conference.
Please make the bank transfer as soon as possible to these bank coordinates:
IBAN IT25L0100501402000000001798
Account holder Centro Studi Bionaturalistici S.r.l.
Message to the beneficiary: “Fee CYBO 2025 – Name Surname”
There will be no confirmation of receipt for your transfer, so please keep your bank’s payment confirmation as proof. Additionally, a physical payment receipt will provided on the first day of the conference.
Your registration is only valid with an advance payment via bank transfer as per details above.
Registration forms
Important: if you try to fill the forms below with the same email address you used to register for the webinars, they will give an error! You can head over to and click “Delete my account”, so that you can re-register using that email account.
If you encounter issues while registering please write to